Monday, August 20, 2012

A - My name is Alice

Since this blog is not going to be about myself, I'm going to get the pertinent details out of the way in this post. I'm Alice! Welcome to my blog. I haven't really been interested in starting a blog, but I recently stumbled across a gem of a blog that I just felt compelled to respond to. I will, most likely, not restrict myself to commenting on that particular blog, but it will always hold a special place in my heart as the blog that inspired me to finally join in on the blogging madness.

I'm a wife, a mother, and a teacher. I'm fascinated by human behavior and by hypocrisy, in particular. The act of speaking out against doing something while doing the same thing or something similar oneself. The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. Having a pretense of being something you're not. Honestly, this hypocrisy doesn't make any sense to me.

I understand falling short of one's own goals and aspirations, that seems to be simply a part of being human and fallible, but the actual act of saying, "This is wrong!" while carrying on in the same or a similar manner oneself is rather baffling to me - particularly the hypercritical practice of holding others up to a higher standard than the standard to which they hold themselves and/or of expecting everyone else to conform to their own personal standards.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will probably not be disclosing much more personal information. This is intended to be an anonymous blog, in so much as one can be anonymous on the internet. There is no pretense here, however. I simply wish to examine certain instances of hypocrisy and I don't mind if the internet comes along for the ride! Not that I assume many people will read this, but I could very well be wrong about that, which would be fine.

In my next post, any readers I might actually have will find out the name of the blog that so thoroughly inspired this one.