Monday, September 24, 2012


Literature .
a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

An Introduction before getting to the other blog:

Hypocrisy is a form of irony. It is indeed ironic to state an opposition to behaviors, which one is currently engaging in or then proceeds to engage in.

There is currently a blog owner whose sole purpose is to "expose" an online message board in order to "bring glory to God" and not to be mean or attack anyone. However, that does not appear to be the case. 

I have no dog in this race, having learned about the message board in question (Gentle Christian Mothers or GCM) by reading the blog claiming to "expose" it, but it seems to me that the act of joining a message board under apparent false pretenses in order to then rake them over the coals publicly would certainly fall under the category of being "mean" or "attacking." At the absolute least, it falls under the category of dishonesty. 

In my humble opinion only someone with a lack of integrity would pretend to be someone she isn't in order to get information that doesn't appear, so far, to be any of her business.

On to the fun part! 

In her introductory post, the blog owner (which will be shortened to BO for the rest of this post in order to facilitate easier typing) states: "My sister was led astray because of some of the women on this site and their bad theology." This is given as her reason for starting the blog and "exposing the dangers behind this site." 

I must here admit that I don't actually have a problem with people choosing to expose bad theology, even publicly, but nothing the BO has written so far has convinced me that "bad theology is rampant" on GCM. In fact, the BO's exegesis seems to be rather flawed in more than a few places. 

I do, however, have a problem with not supporting women in getting out of abusive relationships. Nobody deserves to be abused by anyone - let alone someone who claims to love him or her. The BO goes one step further than that and publicly blames a message board "cult" for leading her sister "astray" - by which she apparently means, "Getting out of her reportedly abusive marriage." I definitely have a problem with that.

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